Seems like all the riding I've been doing lately has gotten me back in shape. That's what happens when you know you only have a few weeks left in single track paradise, you ride a ton,... and get stronger! I've made a different goal in my racing this year. I wanted to improve my time at the Tuesday nighter at Solitude each week. Unfortunately, I failed. The first 5 races went well, each competition I improved my time by at least one minute. Last week was different. I felt good, but ended up 6 seconds slower than the week least I didn't go back to my time of the first race.
This was the shortest mountain bike race season for me in a while, but it was a fun one. I'll be heading back east next week and I'm looking forward to the upcoming cyclocross season. Well, before that, I can't wait to hang out on the beach a little and work on my stroke with my swim coach. Apparently I suck at swimming, but I'm determined to one day finish a triathlon.